© Daniela Jeremijevic – Vignerons Indépendants de France

About CEVI

CEVI: Advocating for Independent Winegrowers in Europe

CEVI, the European Confederation of Independent Winegrowers, is the only organisation representing and defending the interests of Independent Winegrowers at European level. Independent Winegrowers are entrepreneurs at the head of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), often a family business. They make everything from the vineyard to the table, meaning that they produce and sell their wines directly (to the consumer). 

© Daniela Jeremijevic – Vignerons Indépendants de France

200,000 Independent Winegrowers across Europe

There are 200,000 Independent Winegrowers across Europe. CEVI unites and represents Independent Winegrowers from 12 European countries.


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Our Commitments

Statutorily, CEVI is committed to : 

Coordinate and strengthen the actions of its national members:

CEVI works to unify and amplify the efforts of federations and unions of Independent Winegrowers across Europe, creating a collective force for greater influence.

Defend the viticultural interests of its members

Centralising and disseminating the positions, petitions, and opinions adopted by its bodies, CEVI protects the interests of Independent Winegrowers in moral, technical, social, economic, and administrative fields.

Participate in the policies to develop european and international viticultural

CEVI actively engages in the development of winegrowing policies, supporting sustainable growth for the sector. 

Represent Independent Winegrowers at european and international levels

CEVI ensures that the interests of Independent Winegrowers are considered in the elaboration of economic measures at the international level. 

Examine legislative reforms and other european initiatives

CEVI analyses and voices the specific needs of Independent Winegrowers concerning European economic measures and legislative reforms, ensuring their interests are taken into account by European and international bodies. 

Contribute to the organisation of production and promotion of Independent Winegrowers' wines

CEVI works to structure production and enhance the promotion of Independent Winegrowers’ wines, proactively supporting their economic interests.

Propose an economic organisation adapted to Independent Winegrowers

CEVI promotes an economic organisation aimed at facilitating Independent Winegrowers’ access to support measures. 

Promote a label or logo for european Independent Winegrowers

Ultimately, CEVI aims to design a distinctive label to represent Independent Winegrowers at the European level, enhancing their recognition and visibility in European and international markets

Independent Winemakers: Passion for the Vine.

© Daniela Jeremijevic – Vignerons Indépendants de France

The Independent Winegrower, where Terroir becomes Wine