What is FIVI (Federazione Italiana Vignaioli Indipendenti)?
Founded in 2008, the Italian Federation of Independent Winegrowers aims to protect the profession of the winegrower, by representing it in front of the institutions and promoting its specificity. FIVI dialogues with the Ministry of Agriculture and the Regions by participating at the technical tables, as well as with the EU institutions in Brussels through CEVI.
It participates in rural development policies at local, national and European level. It advocates economic measures and regulations in the interest of the Independent Winegrowers and the Italian wine system. It currently counts over 1700 members nationwide.

What is a Vignaiolo Indipendente (Independent Winegrower)?
The Vignaiolo Indipendente cultivates his own vines, vinifies his own grapes, bottles his own wine and personally sells it under his own responsibility, under his own name and label. He carries out his activity in the form of a single or associated farm and in the exercise of his work he operates in accordance with the Italian laws of the sector. An Independent Winegrower does not buy grapes and/or wine for commercial purposes.

The Trademark
Our trademark represents “Ampelio”, the image of a Winegrower carrying a basket of grapes on his shoulders and whose shadow takes the form of a bottle. This figure sums up what it means for FIVI to be Winegrowers, engaged daily in a process that follows the entire production chain, constantly working to preserve, protect and promote the territory they belong to.
The Annual Fair: Mercato dei Vini dei Vignaioli Indipendenti
FIVI has been organising the Independent Winegrowers’ Wine Market since 2011, taking place in Bologna, at BolognaFiere. It has become a national reference fair for wine lovers where they can find over 1000 independent winegrowers
Organisation chart:
President: Cesconi Lorenzo, Vignaiolo in Trentino
- Diletta Cavalleri, Vignaiola in Lombardia
- Luigi Maffini, Vignaiolo in Campania
General Secretary: Rita Babini, Vignaiola in Emilia Romagna
National Coordinator: Tommaso Iori tommaso.iori@fivi.it
Policy Adviser: Cecilia Magni cecilia.magni@fivi.it